Horse training is something I am very passionate about, for many reasons. I have brought up Frost, my Fell pony, from a foal, which has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Often mistaken for "Natural Horsemanship", Sense Equine horse training is, quite simply, all about good horsemanship.
Horse training is not for the faint hearted. It is incredibly rewarding, I won't deny that... but it also requires so much from us.
So you have a youngster?
Bringing on a young horse is more than a challenge. It is your responsibility as an owner, for their well-being; which includes their basic manners, behaviour, enrichment and quality of life. Having a young horse is like bringing up a child - helping and guiding them to become a good, well rounded citizen as they grow up. The difference being, that a young horse can be a half ton of muscle and will, like children, push boundaries, if allowed to do so. If you aren't sure how to address behavioural issues, be sure to find a good trainer from the get go before these escalate! Or rethink the dream of having an equine baby, for their sake, above your own.

My Fabulous Fell Pony
Frost hasn't always been an angel. Before he was gelded he would rear as we walked to and from the field. He would mouth at anything through those teething years… and he was guided from day 1 how to behave and how to be the best partner. Ultimately, he was simply being a baby and I understood that if I gave an inch, he would take a mile!
Four and a half years on, and I have different kinds of challenges with this plucky little pony. He is very sure of himself and willing to give me his all, when he feels I'm there with him. This year I have backed him and we have been establishing great brakes, working on transitions and moving his feet, independently. All of this has been bareback, bitless and bridle-less. Rather than addressing behavioural issues (which simply aren't there!), I have been furthering my education on starting young horses for a sound future. This has included long lining, further education in tack fit and muscle development, deeper development of relaxation techniques and alot more liberty work!
The results of my training have been astounding! It is the first time I have seen the methods develop a horse from a foal to a youngster; it is truly something! As a blank canvas, there has been little room for error, but the hard work, consistency and time put in has really started to pay off.
Frost is a young horse who is unphased by so much. He has learned to put his trust in me and to seek guidance in more stressful situations, allowing us both to breathe, relax and move forward. Together we have played in a school environment. I have been able to start his education completely bitless and almost immediately he has been a bridle-less pony, in all gaits. My Fell pony has taken me on adventures in the countryside, through corn fields, golden stubble stretches, woodland paths and on busy roads - we even met our first double decker bus and group of motorbikes - without so much as a flinch!
This pony is my childhood dream, realised as an adult.

Where will the future take us?
I am unapologetically proud of Frost and his achievements so far this year. We are always working on something. Whilst we progress in one area of training, we undoubtedly have another area to put extra attention into. What has become so apparent is that giving our horses consistent and fair learning, which establishes clear boundaries, we are able to achieve so much. The first few years of my pony's life have been crucial to his development. From basic ground manners, to communicating with subtle cues and body language, every single moment with my horse has counted.
Going forward I hope to take Frost out for fun rides and to eventually take part in activities like horseback archery! I am continuing to develop my skills are a bridle-less rider and teacher. I also hope to progress further with our liberty work in different and exciting locations!
Training is constant learning, for both myself and Frost. I think this is why I am so passionate about it. It's something which is always developing and new ideas and methodologies are not only interesting, but also excites me as I see the benefits for my horse and my own riding. I love teaching others how simple good, considerate horsemanship can be.

Lets get training!
Do you have a young horse? Do you have any issues in your training that you need help with? Were you after "Natural Horsemanship"? Why not give Sense Equine a try!
I am always excited to meet new horses and their owners. I help owners to recognise their dreams with their horses and to learn how to have fun! Become relaxed with your horse as you learn how to create a strong and happy partnership.
Call Alex today for friendly advice and to book a training session:
Telephone: 07887429844